Our Last Hunt?

Pride is on the back nine of his hunting life.  He is over ten years old, and has recently demonstrated signs of slowing down in the field.  Despite keeping him in good condition, the grind associated with hunting wild birds pushes him to his physical limits.  At day’s end, he is beyond exhausted, and the body aches are obvious. 

The 2013 – 2014 upland season in eastern, Colorado has been challenging.  The bird population is significantly down from just two years ago.  That said you’re not going to experience success sitting on your couch.  In addition, given Pride’s advanced age, who knows how many trips are left for us?  So when the alarm went off at 3:40 am, I was motivated to make my way two and a half hours east to my favorite grounds in Phillips County.

During my drive, I checked the forecast for the day ahead.  Forty degrees and a steady fifty mile per hour northwest wind were not ideal hunting conditions. 

As I approached our first field, the excitement started to build.  The area is a favorite of mine, but had yet to produce this season.  We made the forty minute walk, but never saw a single sign of a pheasant.  I texted my rancher friend and asked if we could hunt his land.  With permission granted, Pride and I drove the five miles to the property.  The strong winds made our strategy clear; point Pride into the wind and see if we could surprise some birds.  I directed Pride to a series of trees that line the north side of the land.  It did not take long for him to get birdy.  The first hen jumped up about ten yards in front of us, followed by three more ladies.  While we did not find our intended target, the action did get the blood pumping. 

We made our way across the road where the CRP is thick.  A large cornfield neighbors the tall grass, so I decided we would bisect the land and hunt the relevant corners.  As we made our way west toward the corn, I gripped my Beretta a bit tighter as I thought we could see some action.  Pride started to move with purpose as we walked the berm separating the CRP from the corn.  As his pace quickened, I worked myself into position.  The rooster exploded about fifteen yards in front of me, and immediately absorbed the power of the wind.  Although he was close, I was not prepared for the absolute speed, and missed on my first two shots.  HEVI-Shot shell number three clipped his right wing, and the pheasant tumbled to the ground. 

Pride and I enjoyed a water break before making our way to a Walk in Area (WIA) just to our east.  The field has great cover, and feed is accessible on all four sides.  The ferocious wind kicked up significant dust storms, and that made the pursuit challenging.   About half way down the tree line, Pride changed direction, and bounded to my right.  A hen made her way through the tumbleweeds, and stood motionless for about five seconds before flying into the cornfield.  A few “no bird” calls had us back on course marching west.  Pride started to quickly cover ground, signaling birds were on the move.  As I picked up my pace, two hens exploded less than ten yards away from me.  Consciously, I slowed down with the hope that a rooster was being coy.   Within seconds of making the decision to decelerate, a rooster busted from his concealed position just out of my range.  After one futile shot, the colorful bird caught a massive tailwind, and accelerated into the mid-afternoon sun.  Immediately, I second guessed my strategy.

I took Pride southeast in order to better position us to hunt the last corner of the CRP.  During our walk I noticed that my dog was favoring his left rear leg.  I removed some sandburs from his paws, but he continued to limp.  As we approached the corner of the field, Pride started to get birdy.  He circled the field’s edge for almost five minutes before a hen took off into the adjacent cornfield.  Realizing that Pride was either injured or drained, I decided to head back to the truck.

On our way home, I wondered if this could have been our last hunt together.  The bond that Pride and I have developed over the last three and one half years is strong.  Hopefully we have more adventures ahead.    

Video: Pride doing what he does best.


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I have known legendary gun dog trainer, Gary Ruppel, for almost four years.  My beloved birddog, Pride, comes from his kennel.  When my family was considering adopting Pride in 2010, it was Gary who interviewed us to make certain it was a good match. The man is confident, opinionated, talented, kind, and loyal.  It takes time to earn Gary’s trust and friendship.  It takes even more time to earn the opportunity to hunt with him.

In mid-December, Gary and I were chatting on the telephone about our recent adventures.  I told him that Pride (now 10) was starting to slow down, and he and I should try to get into the field before the 2013 season ends.  I had never hunted with Gary, and I felt that it was finally the right time.  I have evolved into a veteran wingshooter who respects the quarry, the land, and my fellow hunters.  Gary agreed to go, and he suggested we head out after Christmas. 

Our plan, on December 30th, would be to hunt scaled quail on both private and public land outside of Hugo, Colorado.  I had never encountered a covey of quail in numerous upland trips throughout Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas.  To that point, I was excited to pursue the unfamiliar game bird.  Pride would team with Gary’s two English Pointers, Captain and Ashley, who are quail hunting machines. 

During several big game hunts over the last couple of years on the Cage Ranch, I had observed multiple coveys of scalies moving about the property.  With permission from Bob, we started our morning patrolling the different pastures where we thought birds would hold up.  It would be important to locate the game before the day warmed, and diluted the scent of the small animals.  We walked several areas where the cover is thick, and paralleled a food source.  The dogs worked each section of land thoroughly, but never showed any signs of enthusiasm.  As we slowly drove the ranch, Gary would get out of the truck to inspect the one day old snow blanketing parts of the land.  He scouted for the distinctive tracks that would indicate the presence of quail.  

Driving west, we approached a group of cottonwoods adjacent to the road.  As we neared the trees, I pointed to a three grey birds scampering away from our truck.  Gary exclaimed “scalies” and told me to get out.  As I hurried across the road, I loaded my Beretta, and Gary let out the dogs.  The pointers instantly winded the birds and gave chase.  I scanned the earth beneath the trees when suddenly two horned owls took off from their positions in the branches.  The movement startled the camouflaged quail who soared from their concealed location.  I shouldered my shotgun and fired at a single speedy bird that toppled to the ground.  I looked to my right and observed Captain and Ashley on point about fifty yards to the west of the trees.  Gary told me to make my way to him, as the covey was on the move.  Several birds exploded from the knee-high grass, and Gary shot two with his 20 gauge Winchester.  I remained in my position as Gary brought the dogs around.  We estimated that there were over twenty quail in the covey, and some had already fled to our north.  Moving with purpose and determination, Captain and Ashely located additional birds.  One quail jetted from my right at about thirty yards, and I shot him dead.  My execution prompted a sincere congratulations from Gary.  Admittedly, that felt pretty good.  Before continuing our hunt, Gary asked how many birds we had taken.  We counted seven and decided to stop shooting.  Captain and Ashley were still in hot pursuit, so we lowered our shotguns and admired their elegant skills.  We tried a few other areas before heading back home just after lunch. 

As a passionate and improving hunter, I appreciate the time Gary spends teaching me the nuances of the sport.   The sage advice has, and continues to impact my success in the field.  I look forward to spending more time with my friend.




Sport-DOG Upland Hunter 1875

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/unlucky-lucky/

HEVI-Shot   Pheasant

Number 4 shot is   overkill for quail.  Unfortunately, I   forgot to pack my number 6 shot.  Birds   went down, and went down hard.

Uplanders Warehouse

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/shot/

Hankook Dynapro ATM

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/shot/

SportDOG Nutrition

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/shot/

Beretta A400 XPLR Light, 12 gauge

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/my-2012-2013-season-ends/

Badlands Birdvest

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/my-2012-2013-season-ends/

Garmin Oregon 450T GPS


Hunting GPS Maps

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/bobs-day/

Ram 1500

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/bobs-day/

Cabela’s Active Lite Jacket

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/page/2/

Irish Setter Upland DSS King Toe Hunting Boots

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/my-2012-2013-season-ends/




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Another Shot

Our initial trek to Eastern Colorado did not produce positive results.  Cover was thin and birds were scare.   We witnessed only a half a dozen birds (one rooster) situated in both walk-in-areas (WIA) and prime private land.  The hunting chat rooms underscored the challenges associated with the 2013-2014 upland season.  Some people found birds, but most struggled.  Not unlike past years, crowds diminish after the first couple of weeks.  To that point, I set up our men’s three day hunting trip for the third weekend of the season.

Four of us headed out to Northeast Colorado on Friday morning.  My favorite field has CRP that abuts freshly cut corn on three of the four sides.  As we neared what I would deem the most productive section of land, I split the group so we could begin to pinch the most dense cover.  Deep snow drifts made it difficult for the dogs to get to the bottom of the draw.  Otis and Pride ran quickly through the hundred yards of prime territory, and the hunters moved into advantageous positions.  Unfortunately, there was not a bird present.  I sent a quick text to a rancher friend of mine, and asked him if we could hunt his property.  He responded positively so we headed north to his house. 

While we were enjoying a vacation day, my friend was hard at work.  I asked him if he needed assistance.  He refused, acknowledging our desire to hunt, as well as his need to get an important project accomplished.  I convinced him that the hunting could wait, and that we would like to help.  The rancher explained that his cows needed to be moved to a new pasture.  We set up an electric fence, emptied and moved water troughs, and then we took the cows from one field to another.  Dave, Jeff, Bob and I actually had a good time completing our tasks.  The time was 3:15 pm, and we had about ninety minutes of hunting time available. 

Just to the north of the residence there is a bit of CRP that extends through a fifty yard tree line.  I told Dave and Jeff to enter the eastern part of the field quietly, and we would start our walk from the west.  As Bob and I drove by the tree row, we spotted two roosters walking into the tall grass.  Soon after piling out, Pride became immediately birdy and darted ahead of us.  As we approached the trees, a hen jumped in front of Jeff.  I yelled to be ready as there were at least two colored birds in our presence.  Pride took a sharp left and moved toward the fence line, so I shouldered my Beretta in hopes that the running bird would rise.  The roosters did eventually take flight; just sixty yards out of our range. 

I took the group into the adjacent CRP strips and formulated a plan.  Dave, Jeff and Otis would sneak to the east and begin to slowly walk to Bob and me.  As the four hunters came within twenty yards of one another I asked everyone to pause.  As we stood motionless, deciding on our next move, a rooster busted from the deep cover.  He flew west then banked a hard left moving toward the south.  Shots rang out as the mortally wounded bird glided seventy five yards before plummeting to earth.  Our dogs marked the downed bird and headed to fetch him.  The first bird of the trip was in the bag, and the last bit of the day’s sun settled in the west.

Day two was cold (nine degrees) and had us patrolling uncharted territory; northwest Nebraska.  Navigating the maps we eventually found the available CRP fields, but there was no sign of birds.  Four hours of hunting, and no opportunities had us heading back into town for some lunch.  We asked the locals for any recommendations, but mum was the word of the day.  As we were leaving, a friendly waitress suggested we try some areas just north of our position.  The first CRP field looked similar to the others, but had some unique structure abutting it.  We piled out quietly, and surrounded the area.  Otis darted up the center, obviously excited by something.  I started to run behind him as my instincts indicated potential action.   Without warning, a hen followed by a large number of pheasants, flushed from the tall grass.  I selected the first rooster and fired.  Unscathed he banked a hard left and moved away from my position.  Fortunately, a second rooster jumped up, and a single HEVI-Shot Pheasant shell downed him immediately.  Birds were still exploding from their position at the edge of the cover, but no rooster was close enough for another shot. 

The next WIA seemed to be untouched as the snow had no visible markings around it.   As we slowed down next to the field, a dozen birds exploded from the pit adjacent to the road.  The guys piled out of the trucks, and moved through the ditch in order to obtain a solid, legal shooting position.  More birds poured out, and headed away from the road.  I heard some shots but I stayed in the truck.  Despite the furious action, no pheasants were taken from the field.  We hunted multiple public areas the rest of the day, but were only able to push up a single hen. 

Day three’s plan would be to visit a few familiar Colorado fields, and hunt them until about ten am.  The first WIA is lined with rocky mountain junipers as well as plum trees.   The area had been hunted in previous days as there were boot tracks everywhere.  We marched the dogs into the wind, and bumped a coyote toward the end of the tree line.  Realizing that the predator would have moved any birds out of that area, we headed back to the trucks.  Our next field was minutes away, and had a few mounds of spilled corn around the contiguous road.  We managed to jump one hen on our walk west.  The wind was blowing from the south at twenty MPH, so we pointed the dogs into the wind and continued the hike.  Otis started to weave quickly on the field’s western edge.  I decided it was best to hasten my pace and keep up with him.  The fifty yard run culminated with two hens flying out of the corner of the field.  Otis’ young nose was on and he was not stopping.  For the first time on the trip, pheasant tracks marked the two-day old snow.  I watched Bob on my left as Pride was getting birdy in front of him.  Otis rocketed east then took a hard right, and moved a rooster out of his concealed position.  Bob and I fired at once, and the bird tumbled to the ground.  We decided to continue our hike toward the east; a mistake, given hindsight.  Almost immediately, Otis and Pride started to sprint after evading birds, and we attempted to keep up.  As we neared the center of the field we witnessed two sets of four pheasants fly across the road.  Admittedly, I make a tactical error.  I should have worked back to the road, and blocked for Jeff, Dave and Bob.  We piled into the trucks, and headed to our final field of the day.  Another forty five minute walk resulted in Pride taking me to the edge of a cornfield where he startled a hen hunkered down in the adjacent ditch.

After a big breakfast, we make our way back to Parker.  Despite the conditions, the second trip was really enjoyable.  I have great friends that stay positive and hunt hard.  While the bird sightings were rare, we managed to execute a few times when opportunities were presented.  There are eight weeks left in the season.  We will look for a significant weather change then head back east to give it another go.




Sport-DOG   Upland Hunter 1875


HEVI-Shot   Pheasant

Six shots, three   pheasants down. I have not had to make an extremely long shot yet (40   yards+).  That said, I am confident of   the lethal, knockdown power of the shell.

Uplanders Warehouse

Visit the site   and get all you need in upland products.   

Hankook   Dynapro ATM

Another 670 miles   of tough driving in 2.5 days.  These   are great tires.

SportDOG Nutrition

SportDOG C9   nutrition keeps Pride in the field.  He   is 10 years old and continues to work all day, every day.  I am absolutely committed to these   supplements. 

Beretta A400 XPLR Light, 12 gauge

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/my-2012-2013-season-ends/

Badlands Birdvest

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/my-2012-2013-season-ends/

Garmin Oregon 450T GPS


Hunting GPS Maps

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/bobs-day/

Ram 1500

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/bobs-day/

Columbia Upland   Freezer Long Sleeve Shirt

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/my-2012-2013-season-ends/

Columbia Full   Flight Chukar Pant

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/my-2012-2013-season-ends/

Irish Setter   Upland DSS King Toe Hunting Boots

See https://www.huntfishgolfwork.com/my-2012-2013-season-ends/








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Unlucky but Lucky

November 9, 2013 was opening day of upland season in Colorado.  Admittedly, I started dreaming of this day when I closed the season in late January.  As fall approached, I began active preparation for the two and one half month season.  My lab, Pride, is ten years old and he needs to evolve into shape slowly.  We frequently toss a bumper in the early morning and late afternoon when the day is cool.  It is important that my gun dog is ready to endure long, hard days prowling public lands. 

My boys had basketball and soccer games on Saturday, so we decided to leave late in the afternoon in order to hunt on Sunday.  Opening weekend is busy, and the fields get crowded early.  In addition, the drought that has plagued the west over the last two years has caused a significant reduction in habitat that pheasants need in order to survive.  To that point, the numbers of birds across the region have seen a precipitous decline since 2011.  Greg and I decided to stay and hunt just across the border in Nebraska.  The walk-in-areas are limited, but we determined the crowds would not be a factor as their season was two weeks old. 

A rancher friend of mine told me that his family was going to attend the Pheasants Forever dinner in Holyoke and invited us to join them.  Pheasants Forever is an organization dedicated to the conservation of pheasants and other game birds.  Monies raised from these events support multiple initiatives including youth programs and habitat improvement.  These dinners are a great time to fraternize with other hunters who share the same passion for the outdoors.  Coincidentally, Greg spotted a man with whom he had gone dove hunting in September.  Mike and Art had hunted that day on private land, but they were only able to flush ten hens.  We asked if we could join them in the morning, and add three additional dogs to the pursuit.  They were open to the idea and we set a plan.

When Greg and I pulled into the motel we spoke to some hunters who were arriving from the field.  Along with harvesting four nice roosters, they filled three turkey tags.  Unfortunately, the hunters described difficult conditions, and emphasized the need to be efficient.  Sleep was non-existent as 5 am approached.  I had been posting questions on pheasant chat sites since 2:10 am, and I could not fall back asleep. 

At around 5:30 am we grabbed coffee, donuts and refueled the truck.  Greg and I would stop at the first walk in area, and let Pride do his business and take a run.  He actually got birdy when we approached the end of the CRP.  I hoped we would catch a couple of oblivious roosters prior to heading to feed in the corn fields.  Unfortunately, no birds showed themselves, so we loaded up in order to meet the rest of our crew.  Dave and Scott arrived with their dogs, Bogey and Otis.  Both dogs had been through extensive gun dog training with Gary Ruppel of Kiowa Creek Kennels.  The pups were ready to get on wild birds.

At about 7:30 am, we make our way into some dense CRP.  Spread out about one hundred and fifty yards wide, we worked the dogs into a quartering wind.  The group walked for hours, but a rooster never jumped.  Toward the end of the long trek, Pride and Bogey started to get excited.  The abutting country road was close, so an escaping bird would have to fly eventually.   Bogey went on point about 15 yards behind me, and a hen busted into the air.  While it was not the right gender, the action provided the dogs and hunters some much needed adrenaline.  Over the next couple of hours we managed to flush two additional hens. 

Hunting was hard and the day was getting warmer.  We made a joint decision to navigate the shelter belts on the property.  Blockers were deployed just inside the adjacent road in order to take down any evading roosters.  We collectively moved east with the four dogs.  I took Pride through the tree rows, but never saw him get hot.  We piled into Mike’s truck and moved to the next tree line.  The dogs worked through the dense foliage and they were obviously on a bird.  As we neared the edge, I heard Greg yell “rooster” and successive shots rang out.  With my gun pointed into the air I started to furiously look around.  I spotted the unscathed colored bird flying east, far out of my range. 

Mike and Art decided to head home as the early afternoon approached.  Dave, Greg, Scot and I made our way to a local restaurant to have some lunch.  The dogs needed a break, and we needed to refuel.  There are some public walk in areas just east of where we were staying in Nebraska.  I was told that the cover was thick and held birds.  It took about 35 minutes to make it to the field.  The temperature was in the 60s, and the wind was blowing at 15 mph from the west. Given the boundaries around the CRP, we had to walk with the breeze at our backs; a major disadvantage for the labs.  The cover was heavy, and difficult to maneuverer.   I bumped a nice eight point whitetail as I crested the first of two hills.   We covered every inch of the land but could not get a bird into the air.  Frustrated, Dave and Scott decided to head home.  Greg and I decided to hunt our way west with the hope that we would witness birds flying from corn to cover.  My Garmin GPS has every field that I have had success programmed into its database.  The setting sun provided enough light so that we could easily survey the land.  Unfortunately, we did not see one pheasant.  It was the first time over the last three years that I had not witnessed birds as the day closed.  Discouraged, we made our way to the highway and headed home. 

Upon immediate reflection, we realized that despite the absence of our quarry, we enjoyed our time in the field.  Spending time with friends and our dogs is always fun!

I will hunt hard over the coming months.  Hopefully, Pride and I will stumble across some birds.

Reviews – Prior upland product reviews can be found in archived articles



Sport-DOG Upland Hunter 1875

Awesome electronic dog collar.  All of the necessary features and functions. Easily programed for immediate effectiveness in the field.  There are great YouTube videos explaining each component of the collar.  Since my introduction to upland hunting, I have only used SportDOG collars.  My friends have recently invested in SportDOG collars for their new gundogs. We are all extremely satisfied with our SportDOG collars.

HEVI-Shot Pheasant

If the pheasant load is as effective as the duck load, I will ultimately be successful.  That said, I need to see a rooster in order to test my theory. 

Uplanders Warehouse

If you want to research and purchase the latest upland hunting equipment, visit this site.  Uplanders Warehouse offers a plethora of high end products at a competitive price. 

Hankook Dynapro ATM

So far so good.  I have put these tires through some tough terrain over the last year. No issue to date!  I purchased   the 10 ply tires.

SportDOG Nutrition  

I have used the SportDOG C9 nutrition products for almost one year.  My gundog and family dog have positively responded to the Hip/Joint, Hydration and Performance Vitamin products.  My dogs are old and these supplements have helped them adjust to their age.

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Bob’s Day

The first of my two tags on the Cage Ranch was filled on October 5th.  It was a spectacular morning, filled with complex emotions.  The initial anxiety resulted in overwhelming elation.  My pronghorn hunt was a unique life experience forever etched in my memories. 

October 26th was opening day of deer rifle season, and I had been preparing for months.  Bob and I had done some scouting during September and early October.  The north part of the ranch has a dry creek meandering from west to east.  There are cottonwoods and tall grass that provide dense cover for the animals that roam its sandy bottom.  Along with seeing multiple photographs of deer on our game cameras, we had witnessed a variety of does and bucks as we glassed the area from afar.  Bob had set up two tree stands on the west and east end of the riverbed, which provided 270 degrees access to all animals that patrolled the vicinity. 

A 4:30 am alarm was set on my iPhone, but I was already up at 4:15 am, and getting prepared for a successful day.  A coffee and a METRX protein bar would be my fuel for the hunt.  Bob’s nephew Paul and I left headquarters in the pitch black and slowly made our way to our pasture.  We parked about a mile from the west stand, and utilized my Garmin GPS to guide us to the specific tree.  As 5:15 am approached we climbed the ladder, and situated ourselves in the elevated position.  Paul would scan to our left, and I would focus to the rear and right.  It was 26 degrees and there was a cold northwesterly wind blowing at 15mph.  It didn’t take long for my hands to become numb as I had foolishly left my gloves in the truck.  At about 6 am, the sun offered enough light where we could start to glass for movement.  As I turned to the rear, I spotted five does making their way west.  As if they marked my position, the deer suddenly bolted to the south, and were out of view in seconds.  I questioned whether they picked up my scent, and if I was unintentionally giving away my location.   The visibility was improving at 6:30 am, so my glassing become more frequent.  I picked up movement in the trees to my right.  When I trained my binoculars on the image, I witnessed a big bodied deer making its way along the creek.  There was no question it was a buck; I just needed to determine if it was a shooter.  As he made his way across the creek, I could see that his antlers were outside his ears.  He was a very respectable 5×5, and I decided that I would take this animal.  For the next 10 minutes, the buck refused to provide me a shot.  Patience paid off when he turned to his right, exposing his vitals to me.  I chambered a round and clicked the safety to the off position.  My crosshairs were situated on is left shoulder, and I slowly pulled the trigger.  The buck dropped in his tracks at ninety eight yards.  My first deer was down, and I was ecstatic.  

At 10:30 am, we reconvened at headquarters.  The celebration included a big breakfast, and exchanging stories of the morning events.  We relaxed around the house and prepared for the afternoon hunt. 

Brent, Bob’s brother-in-law, would take his daughter back to the east stand, and Paul would man the west platform.  Bob and I had a different plan.  We decided to employ a spot and stalk strategy and quickly cover ground.  After walking Paul to the west stand, we made our way south to see if we could locate a buck in the plains. 

Bob does a great job describing the afternoon events.  

The interesting thing is that I’ve spent my entire life on this ranch guiding pronghorn hunts, and have never bothered to get a license for myself for any big game animals.  I decided that I would this year, and only try to fill the tag if Ross got his deer.  Ross ultimately shot his deer at first light on the opening morning.  His is a beautiful, very symmetrical 5×5.  A trophy for sure.

I glassed the initial buck from about a mile away as he departed a cattle stock tank.  While were putting the sneak on him, we inadvertently walked by a doe about 120 yards to our left.  She didn’t run so I didn’t think we were busted.  We never had a clear line of site on the buck due to tall grass and rolling hills.  In fact, we could only see his rack, and we agreed he was a shooter.  Unfortunately we bumped him and he bolted with his doe to the east.  We waited for him to crest over an adjacent ridge, and then we sprinted 500 yards with the hope he wouldn’t move out of range.  Unfortunately his speed put him about a mile away by the time we reached our spot.  We sat in that position and glassed the entire landscape until deciding to run back to the truck in order to continue the pursuit.  Our plan would be to drive around to the far side of the pasture and cut him off.  While contemplating our next move, I saw a coyote at about 100 yards.  I decided not to shoot him as I didn’t want that report to echo across the pasture.  This decision was fortuitous, and led to our ultimate success.  On the way back, I felt the vibration of my phone signal that I had a voice message.  I decided to return the call en route to the truck.  While walking back, I was quickly yanked to the ground by Ross.  Remember the doe that was gazing at us when we started our stalk?  Well, she didn’t leave and she had a suitor.  He saw us but seemed indifferent as he purposely quartered away from us.  I put the phone on speaker, and dropped it in the sand, while shouldering Ross’ rifle (yes, I forgot the ammo to my gun).  I whispered to the friend on the other end of the line to, “shut up and don’t say a word!”  Ross just about came unglued when he put his binoculars on the deer, and saw that this was a lifetime buck.  I quickly put the barrel in the BIPOD shooting sticks and shot him in the right shoulder.  The deer staggered to the right; he was obviously sick.  I placed the crosshairs on his quartering away shoulder and squeezed off another round.  This bullet entered his right hind quarter and must have found its way to the vitals.  He dropped like a sack of hammers.

I’ve traveled all over North America hunting; white tail and quail in South Texas, bear in the boundary waters of Minnesota, deer and elk in New Mexico and Arizona and even moose in The Yukon.  Not once have I turned in a landowner voucher for myself on my own property.  I’d much rather donate these vouchers to friends, soldiers, Wounded Warriors and youths.  I’m so happy that it worked out the way it did.  Having Ross spot that deer, and be there for the harvest after his success early in the day, is truly a memory that will never be forgotten.

Bob Cage is a good man.  He donates his land, money, expertise and time to people who might never get an opportunity to experience the outdoors.  His success provided me a tremendous amount of excitement and personal satisfaction.  I am proud to say that I was with Bob when he harvested his first big game animal on his own ranch.

Gear in the Field



Tikka T3   Lite chambered in a 30-06 caliber

Three shots, three kills.  The gun’s average is better than David Ortiz in the 2013 World Series.

Limbsaver Recoil Pad

Darn good, low-cost investment.  I shot a lot of rounds when sighting my   rifle in prior to my hunt.  Once I   installed the Limbsaver Recoil Pad, I stopped flinching. 

Bushnell   Elite Scope (3 x 10 x 40)

I made a scope change 10 days before my pronghorn hunt.    That shot was very challenging (270 yards in high winds) and ultimately successful.  My deer was shot at 98 yards, and I had plenty of time to wait for the right shot.  In low-light conditions, the scope worked   very well.

Barnes   VOR-TX 168 grain bullet

Devastating round.  At 98 yards, I hit the animal on my   mark, and he was dead within 10 seconds.

Under Armour

·ColdGear   Infrared Ridge Reaper Softshell Jacket

·Ridge Reaper   Shell Camo Hunting Bib

·ColdGear   Evo Scent Control Fitted ½ Zip

·UA   Speed Freek Chaos Hunting Boots

·UA   Camo Crew Socks

·UA   Base 3.0 Crew and Leggings

·UA   Hat

This was the second time I employed an entire Under Armour   outfit.  Saturday morning was really cold (26 degrees) and very windy.  My body and feet remained warm even though we were stationary in the stand for over 2 hours.  I wish that I had not forgotten my UA   gloves in the truck as my hands were frozen.  

The Speed Freek boots remain extremely comfortable and   warm.  No blisters to date.

When Bob and I put the stalk on his deer in the afternoon, the day had warmed and the wind had calmed.    We did a lot of running during the pursuit, and the UA fabric kept the sweat away from my body.  I never felt chilled when the sun finally set.

The UA fabric is very flexible and seems durable.   I want to wear this clothing on a future elk hunt in the mountains of Colorado.

Vortex   Diamondback Binoculars (10 x[RF1]  42)

These are a great set of binoculars at an ideal price   point.  The early morning was dark, and I could still pick up the deer in low light conditions.  It was easy to distinguish the specifics of the rack at 100 yards+.  I am going to eventually step up and   purchase the Viper HD   binoculars.  Two of my buddies have the   15x50s, and they are remarkable. 

Outdoor Edge   SwingBlaze

Great concept.  That said, the knife was not sharp out of the box.    I should have put an edge on it prior to the hunt.  I wish the knife was manufactured in the   United States.  My deer was  gutted in less than 20 minutes.

Badlands Recon   Pack

Versatile and light pack.  Badlands makes great products, and the Recon is no exception. 

Leupold   RX1000i TBR with DNA Rangefinder

I quickly ascertained the distances of my deer and Bob’s   deer.  This is a great product and was worth the investment.

Garmin   450t GPS

Hunting GPS Maps

Awesome unit – so much functionality and it is pretty intuitive.  I added the Hunting GPS   Maps for Colorado and Kansas.  Great investment. 

BIPOD   Shooting Sticks

Very functional shooting sticks.  Light, easily accessed and quickly deployed.  I need more experience with them in order to provide a comprehensive review.  So far so good.

2011 Ram   1500

Still running strong after almost 2 years.  About to   install an ARE camper shell.





Working Hard so I can Hunt, Fish and Golf