- Image by Getty Images via @daylife
For 3 seasons, I have watched The Haney Project (Charles Barkley, Ray Romano and Rush Limbaugh) with great interest. I want to observe a world renowned instructor positively impact an average golfer. The premise of the show makes sense: team one of golfs top swing instructors with a Hollywood star whose golf game is in ruins, and in 10 episodes, a new player will emerge. All golfers want to believe that with absolute focus and complete dedication (by player and instructor), an incredible swing transformation can occur. Here are my observations:
- Hank Haney is incredibly arrogant. After teaching Tiger and other professionals, he is obviously bothered by interacting with mediocre players. His unrealistic expectations often result in rude interactions that cause his amateur pupils to retract and become defensive. Some people can handle negative coaching and other cannot. Haney continues to prove that he cannot adapt to the recreational player.
- Haney has been completely ineffective in helping any of his pupils improve their golf game. Barkleys swing remains terrifying despite an obvious desire to fix himself. Romanos game and attitude never improved, and only three episodes into the new season, Limbaugh looks confused and discouraged.
- Even with devoted private instruction from a famous instructor, the golf swing remains perplexing for the average player. We all desperately want to get better but trying hard in golf is not the fundamental key to success.
- The producers decision to include multiple segments of Haneys young, pretty wife is gratuitous (never mind completely boring).
I will keep watching the series with the hope that either Limbaugh or a future player improves in their game. That said, I seriously doubt it will ever happen. Perhaps it is time to replace Haney with Sean Foley and see if the problem is the instructor.
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